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August 11, 2021

Selling a home with a swimming pool

As Australians, we love the great outdoors and as the heat of summer kicks in, the lure of a backyard swimming pool can be a major property drawcard.

But if you’re selling a property with a swimming pool, there are a few regulations you might need to meet depending on your state and territory laws.

So let’s take a dive into what’s required when you’re selling a home with a swimming pool.

Pool safety laws and compliance

Over recent years, many state and territories have introduced rules that need to be met when you own a home with a private swimming pool.

These requirements revolve around things like registering your pool with the local council along with installing adequate fencing and safety gates, and they have been implemented to reduce the rate of preventable drownings across the country.

Shine lawyers outlines the basic guidelines, some of which are as follows:

  • By law your pool or spa must be registered with council relevant to your area.
  • If a pool or spa has a depth of 30cm or more (300mm), it is required to be surrounded by safety barrier. This includes inflatable pools.
  • The gate must open away from the pool and never be propped open.
  • The gate must be self-closing from any position and self-latching.
  •  All climbable objects must be at least 900mm away from the fence on the outside.
  • All non-climbable objects must not be within 300mm of the pool fence on the inside.
  • You must display a CPR sign prominently in the pool area (it should be legible from at least 3m away).
  • You cannot have a door access the pool from the house. Any windows around the pool must not open more than 100mm (except in Victoria they must not open more than 125mm) or must have screens and or locks.

In most states and territories, it is a legal requirement for any private swimming pool to meet these standards at all times. And if they aren’t met, the homeowner can be issued with a fine.

Although the above offers a basic guide, it’s also worth checking the laws of your state and territory to ensure your swimming pool is compliant. And that’s especially the case if you intend on selling your property in the near future.

Selling or leasing with a swimming pool

Before you sell or lease your property, the current property owner should obtain a safety certificate. This indicates the pool is compliant with the relevant laws.

If you’re selling and you don’t have a current safety certificate, you must notify the buyer and they then become responsible for obtaining one.

If you are renting a property with a pool, a safety certificate is non-negotiable and is part of your responsibility as a landlord.

Looking to sell your property

If you’re considering selling your property, why not chat with one of our friendly Eview agents on 1300 438 439 to organise an appraisal and understand the state of play in your area? 

We can also assist with guidance on the regulations your home may need to meet, including swimming pool compliance.